Thursday, October 21, 2010

Picking a Manager: Success Through Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry: An Overview of Childish Competitive Behaviour
There is very little in this world as intense as a brotherly sibling rivalry.  Brothers have the innate ability to throw complete suck attacks at each other from competitive wins/losses almost from the time of birth, and with maturity, use that emotion to beat the other next time the play. 
This is why sports were invented.
This is why EA Sports is as successful a game franchise as it is. 
The “Battle Royale” between siblings starts early.  I, being the younger brother, can speak to the points as experienced by the Little Brother everywhere.  From the instant you see Big Brother play a game, you want to play, and you want to beat him.  The only problem with your Little Brother logic is that big brother is infinitely larger and infinitely stronger than you at this point.  Therefore, in every at bat, he strikes you out swinging with 42mph heat.  In every inning, he takes your pitches deep over your childhood backyard fence.  Basically, you are defenceless against his skill, and easily embarrassed. 
The embarrassment stems not only from the fact that you just got dismantled playing a game, but by the fact that you got owned while wearing Big Brothers old clothes, and literally failing while trying to fill his old shoes.  Nothing is salt in a Little Brother’s wound like the slightly oversized, extremely over washed, ’92 LA Kings Tasmanian Devil pull over sweater you was wearing while your Big Brother just shelled you. 
So, knowing it will be years before you can beat Big Brother, you take to the video game world where the playing field is more even.
In this forum of Nintendo/SNES/N64/Wii, Genesis/Saturn/Dreamcast (if you had a poor decision making process, Xbox/360 or PlayStation/PS2/PS3, any man would be king.  Endless nights were (and let’s get real here, continue to be) spent battling it out in best-of-seven series for that nights Stanley Cup/World Series Champion.  The all-time score is an afterthought while playing, in that moment all that matters is, “I will win tonight.  I lost yesterday, and I can’t stand this constant heckling and chirping any longer from him.”
This rivalry battle would satisfy any Little Brother, and would give him the biggest grin bearable to know that there were days when he would be champion over Big Brother. 
Then, there comes a time when Little Brother grows up, and takes on Big Brother in the backyard game that he once was destroyed in daily.  The first time Little Brother strikes Big Brother out, hits that home run, or scores that first goal, is a feeling of euphoria unmatched by any.  Little Brother has no choice but to play sore winner, and finally rub it in Big Brother’s face.  This behaviour motivates Big Brother to come back bigger, stronger, and better than ever.  The result is an ongoing cycle of bettering one another.

What We Learn From This:
The emotional concentration and constant striving to be the best in a sibling rivalry is one of the biggest motivators a child can have.  I could not imagine the concentration and devotion I would have to succeed if my Little Brother was one of the most honoured and decorated members of a sports community I know resided in.  If every time I came to work, I would stare out at the field and see his name forever etched into the stadium I now try to make my mark in. 
Well that is the kind of emotion, concentration, dedication, and commitment to win Big Brother Sandy would face, and bring to the field, every day if he joined the Jays as manager.  I want to see that, this young team could use a Big Brother like Sandy to push them this hard to win.  Big Brother Sandy wants his name beside Little Brother Robbie’s on the Jays’ Level of Excellence, and I for one, would love to see him get his chance to do it.

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