Friday, February 4, 2011

Love, And A Fastball, Are In The Air

“Down in Florida, February, the sun it always shines bright.  It’s a Spring Training a Spring Training a Spring Training delight!”
-Childhood Elementary School Music Hour Awesome Calypso Jam

It is that time of year again everyone.  The grass is growing, the sun is shining, and those sweet Florida oranges are ripe for the picking.  Unfortunately, I am stuck in Toronto and will be left freezing with nothing but my delicious Tim’s Steeped Tea to both quench my thirst, and prevent internal freezing.

This year pitchers and catchers report to formulate relationships on their respective team alongside everyone else’s “love it or hate it” relationship building holiday, Valentine’s Day. 

That got me thinking about relationships, and as it turns out, relationship storylines at Spring Training are a parallel to the love-life drama that we ourselves live, and allow to be grossly magnified this time of year. 

On that note I give you:

“Spring Training Scenarios: Baseball’s Love Doctor”

Scenario 1: “I’m Going to String Them Along for A Couple of Months, Just So No One Gets Hurt”

In the wise words of Justin Long, “He’s just not that into you.”  Like stringing along a bad date, or a relationship simply in worse nuclear fallout than the latest Xbox shoot-‘em-up, every year we see a GM bring in a non-roster invitee full of delusions of grandeur who somehow cracks the Starting 5.  The player’s actions  soon after make it abundantly clear that The GM and coach really should have cut ties earlier on in this relationship, and saved further damage. 

Sorry Dana Eveland, but you can now go and gossip over a cosmopolitan with Tomo Ohka, and Victor Zambrano about how you were the best thing that was ever thrown away by the Jays. And while you’re at it, learn to pitch.

Scenario 2: “I Bought You This Pricey Gift, But Man I Saw This Ending Differently In My Head.  Now, Where Is My Credit Card and That Receipt?”

Everyone out there has fallen victim to “over-gifting” in hopes that that either makes up for lost points, or gets you miles ahead of the game in points.  But sometimes, this is just a bad play on any relationship.  Like buying diamonds for that special someone whose alarm goes off every morning to the Huey Lewis’ classic “Hip to Be Square,” sometimes a player’s performance just doesn’t put out to the dollars you put up. 

Barry Zito, Kevin Brown, Dontrelle Willis, Gil Meche, I’m looking at all of you squares on this one.

Scenario 3: “The Romanticized Return”

Whether it is being swept off your feet, riding off into the sunset, sailing away in a yacht, or some other action verb involving some other exorbitant noun this is the dream that there are hopes of making a reality starting on the weekend of the 14th

As fans of baseball, it is in similar hopes and fantasies that our once promising frontline starters come back from their injuries to fulfill all of their major league dreams. 

Skip the chocolates, flowers and Hallmark cards for me and other Jays fans.  My romantic dreams involve a Jesse Litsch bulldog-like return to the mound, and a Dustin McGowan pitch where his arm does not separate from his body and hit JPA’s face behind the plate. 

We saw it last year, as Shaun Marcum returned to strike us with cupid’s arrow and become the staff ace. But, we have also seen BJ Ryan return to such horrendously foul play that by the end he could not even make the Cubs. 
Here’s to hoping that we get our “Danielle-Steel-novel-like-storyline” out of this year’s crop!

Scenario 4: “Positions Ready!”

There’s a Pitcher.  There’s a Catcher. Enough said.
Now that we have that down, cue Barry White.

Happy Love Day, and Happy Spring Training.  Now, let’s all go out and buy a rose and a New Era hat, because it is game time! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bringing 'Em To The Table: The Jays Fantasy GM

With pitchers and catchers only a little over a month away from reporting to camp, I thought I would play, “Adam Amarthopoulos,” and list my fantasy Jays roster requests in this post. Chances are, I will likely do these moves myself in a power struggle, once MLB 2K11 comes out, and continues to leave me unsatisfied for a decent Baseball video game on the XBOX 360.

So without further Adieu, I give you, my 2011 "New" Jays:

A Bunch of Kansas City Corner Infielders:

If you play fantasy baseball with me, you know that there are certain players that I remain brutally faithful to, even though they’re performances may not justify it.

This is best represented by both my extreme like for Alex Gordon, and my borderline man-love for Billy Butler.

Let’s go over why I want them on the Jays for, “non-statistical and very illogical,” reasons. 

Alex Gordon:

It is no secret that the Jays currently have either a top-flight defensive threat in RF, or a very good 3B on their roster, but not both (cloning Bautista is more for the 2012 playoff run).  Personally, I love Bau-Bau in RF because there are very few things I like to do over the course of the summer as much as yell “Cannoooooooonnnnnss” every time Jose chucks a baseball back to the infield. 

Keeping Bautista in RF will allow the speedy, yet somewhat one-dimensional, fielder Rajai Davis to fully take over where Freddy Lewis’ left off.  That being as the Jays’ Willie Mays Hayes from Major League, or Malik from Not Another Teen Movie. For those who have yet to see the latter:

As a former top pick, Alex Gordon oozes potential, but this alone is not a reason to break the bank on him.  After all, remember when the Jays had former #1 pick Matt Bush in their system for 20 minutes?  Potential did nothing to smooth over Bush’s attitude at the Major League level, and he blew up.  Rumour of his demise had it that he once drunkenly showed up at a high school yelling, “I’m Matt F*cking Bush!” around the school yard. Rumour also has it that he is still struggling to keep it together, even after his attempted fresh start under his new name, Mel Gibson.

In any event, Alex Gordon is a high risk-high reward option at the 3B position.  The former Corn Husker could either, “Reap” the benefits of a change of scenery and expectations, or he could be in for an “empty harvest season,” and the Alex Gordon silo could be low on MLB numbers...and oats....but certainly not on farm euphemisms

I would love AA to take a run at him, and officially limit E5 to 0 games at the position, and if he could pry my wonder boy Billy Butler away in a deal...

Billy Butler:

A 3B, turned 1B, Billy Butler is everything the Jays need in a hitter. 

Butler’s got more pop than a 2001 *NSync album.  He also has the great ability to spray it to all fields.  With the Rogers Centre’s “bowling alley” like outfield, his bat could be the most diverse weapon since Lyle Overbay’s pre-surgically repaired robot hand.  Get him, put him in the 2/3 hole, and let Bau-Bau make the best of bringing home arguably the future of sweet-swinging doubles hitting.

Someone Who Can Throw A Lot of Baseballs, Quality Ones Optional

Kevin Millwood

There, I said it.  It may be several years later than necessary, but, like Michael Young, I believe in a “better late than never” form of redemption with this guy.

The Jays rotation is young, and pitch counts are higher, but still not at an unlimited ceiling for some of these guys.  So why not take a risk on a now back-of-the-rotation guy who will always make his starts and eat innings like they are on special at Mandarin.  A short-term move like this can only help in managing the Jays young arms to strengthen them for a big run in 2012, 2013, 2014......2026, and beyond.

Menu Pun Players

Orlando Hudson
Attend a game with me, I can guarantee you that at some point I will bitch and complain about how much I miss the O-Dawg combo.  I want that combo, I need that combo, and rumour had it, we were close.  Suck it Padres, you’ve ruined my dinner.

GM State of the Union
Like I said, none of these were based on any sabermetrics.  They were based on anecdotes, and man-crushes.  They simply are nothing more, nothing less, but everything awesome in my books.

So here’s to the 2011 Jays, whoever makes the roster, may they bring many a “W,” and may Brandon Morrow continue to justify my extremely drunken personalized jersey purchase.

Now where’s MLB 2K11, I need more convincing to buy a PS3 just so that I can play a $350 version of MLB: The Show and not strike out or hit a home run, every. single. time.

Dude, we went fishing in Cabo....